Considerate:[kuh n-sid-er-it] adjective
1. showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc.
2. carefully considered; deliberate.
3. marked by consideration or reflection; deliberate; prudent.
Have you ever experienced a moment when your friend shows you true consideration? It can be simple like picking something up from a store they knew you needed or something big like planning and executing the ultimate surprise birthday party complete with all your favorites from food to people. Any time it happens you feel a warm glow in your heart and sometimes, or most of the time if you’re like me, it might even bring a tear to your eye. Why is that? What’s so important for someone to be considerate?
Well, having been on the receiving end of considerate behaviors I know that I feel loved and respected. It’s a wonderful feeling that I want to feel and give to others. But of course, I don’t need to be running around filling up my days with taking care of my friends needs to be considerate. Keeping someone's expressed feelings, background and circumstances in mind when interacting with them and altering my behavior and words to be of help or to show care and support is a great way to be considerate.
“The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing... not healing, not curing... that is a friend who cares. ”
Alena Hall writing for The Huffington Post helps us to pick out considerate friends by giving us 7 telltale signs.
- They practice empathy
- They smile often
- They are intuitive of other people's needs.
- They mind their manners.
- They put others first... sometimes.
- They are patient -- even when they don’t feel like it.
- They apologize -- but only when warranted.
With these pointers we can both find and be considerate friends. “You can buy gifts for another person, but you can never buy them love and respect…However, when you are considerate of them, you can give them just that.” - Thuy Yau
About this block:
This block has both pieced and appliqué elements. I love the blend of techniques! Since you will be working with small pieces, I recommend heavily starching your fabrics PRIOR to cutting them. I find that it makes my blocks turn out more accurately. I hope you have great time sewing this block!
Happy sewing,