Warm: [wawrm] adjective
- characterized by or showing lively feelings, passions, emotions, sympathies, etc.
- strongly attached; intimate:
“The great thing a friend can do is bring some warmth in this cold world.” Marty Rubin
Warmth means comfort to me. You know, that feeling of comfy cozy goodness where you feel at peace? I love that feeling, whether it comes in minutes that turn into hours or just in a flash. Either way, warmth, puts you at ease and leaves you feeling content.
Have you ever heard this good old phrase?
“Good friends are like quilts.
They age with you
yet never lose their warmth. ”
I love that! That wonderful feeling of comfort and warmth in my friendships. It is such a pleasure to meet up with one of these types of friends and know that the stitches of time bind us together as the fabric of our lives meet up here and there to create something lovely and warm for the soul.
Recently I made some new friends and one of the best things about the experience was just how easy it was. They liked me, I liked them and that was it! There is a certain kind of magic that happens when people can relax and just enjoy each others company with no pretense or pressure. Don’t we all value the friends who are warm and easy in their friendship.
So whether you are making new friends or keeping close with your old buddies, rejoice in the warmth that friendship brings into your life.
“The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money.”
About this block: This block can be sewn together so many ways! I used the same technique that I used in the Fun and Gracious blocks. Using my templates to create freezer paper shapes that were ironed onto my fabrics, I turned the edges of the shapes to the back and then hand stitched each piece down.
Here is a video I did with Fat Quarter Shop that will walk you through the block one step at a time!
Also be sure to visit my friends Rachel and Cecile, and they will show you how to sew buttons on quilts!!
Happy sewing!