I am honestly so grateful for the friends that are joining us today! Be sure to visit these people for lots of fun ideas:
Miranda Eskelson @lemonsqueezyquilting
Just Another Button Company, Cecile and Rachel
This is the LAST block for JUNE! Be sure to post all of your blocks and head over to instagram to let us know on the prize post. You can win an awesome prize just by doing those two things.
Honest: [on-ist] adjective
1.honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair 2.showing uprightness and fairness 3.gained or obtained fairly 4.sincere; frank 5.genuine or unadulterated 6.respectable; having a good reputation 7.truthful or creditable 8.humble, plain, or unadorned
Do these pants make me look fat?
Should I break up with him/her?
Should I keep pursuing my dream?
If you have ever been on the receiving end of these questions you may have not know if you should answer honestly or kindly, for often honesty doesn’t go hand in hand with kindness. But aren't we told that we are supposed to be honest in our friendships?
“Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it’ll always get you the right ones.”
Aren't you grateful when you ask your friend if you have something in your teeth (and you do) and they tell you? I would rather be embarrassed in front of my friend instead of others. If you agree, make sure you return the favor of honesty in your friendships. We take honesty easier when it is coming from a trusted and caring source.
But what about those more difficult honest answers. The ones that they may not be ready for. The ones that are emotionally charged. How are we to deal with that?
Prasanna Venkatesh says, "Honesty is important in any friendship/relationship as long as it doesn’t hurt others by being BRUTALLY honest. Being Yourself is a very good trait as it will imply you are being straight forward and that you speak from the heart. But sometimes true thoughts can be offensive. In those cases, it is better to remain silent than to react at all with your straight forwardness. There isn't anything right or wrong in being yourself. It all depends on the situation. If it requires brutal honesty it needs to be that way. Otherwise it can be gentle."
So for those more delicate situations, gentleness and thoughtful speaking should be our motto. Because everyone can be a little foolish from time to time. It's important to gauge when and how to deliver your honesty so as not to damage the relationship.
Speak truth in such a way that it should be pleasing to others. Never speak truth, which is unpleasant to others. Never speak untruth, which might be pleasant. This is the path of eternal morality. - Sanatana Dharma.
There are so many benefits to having an honest friendship. Honesty in friendship means that your relationship is healthy and like all things in life, if it's healthy, it will grow. The health of your friendship also brings longevity. So if you want life long friends, be honest.
Another benefit is the liberation that comes from knowing you've made a mistake and you know that your indiscretion will be forgiven and forgotten. We are human and make mistakes and poor choices but in an honest friendship these become ways to learn and grow instead of damaging. When we are honest about our weaknesses it will open us up to being able to better share in each other's heartaches and troubles.
Honest friends can support, advise and inspire each other. They are built in cheerleaders and coaches because they know of our difficulties and will rejoice in our victories big or small.
In childhood I was taught that honesty was the most valuable treasure of all. I hope that each of you have friendships that are enriched with Honesty.
“Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people.”
The honest block is easy to assemble. Here are a few pics for you to follow! I struggle sometimes with precision piecing. I have learned to heavily starch my fabrics, then press them before cutting. I make sure to set my seams, too. These things seem to help. I still don't feel like I have mastered it, but I am getting better!