Here are links to our friends who are making this block! We are so excited to have them join us and to share their TRUSTWORTHY blocks!! Click on their names to link to their blogs.
Trustworthy: [truhst-wur-th ee] adjective
1. deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable:
“Friends should be chosen by a higher principle of selection than any worldly one. They should be chosen for character, for goodness, for truth and trustworthiness, because they have sympathy with us in our best thoughts and holiest aspirations, because they have community of mind in the things of the soul”
As a child I had a best friend who, knowing my intense fear of all arachnids, thought it would be funny to throw a living spider at me. That experience taught me a valuable lesson. The hurt and betrayal that I felt at her action was very real and painful. If I never wanted those I cared for to feel that same way then I had better make sure to treat their fears, hopes and secrets with the utmost care. I can’t say that I have an unblemished record but I have always tried from that day to be a trustworthy friend.
“Trust each other again and again. When the trust level gets high enough, people transcend apparent limits, discovering new and awesome abilities for which they were perviously unaware.”
Trust is like a delicate butterfly found in every soul. Some people hold it close and keep their butterfly protected by not letting it venture out to often. Others let their butterfly roam free and just accept the damage that come from the adventure of truly living. Whichever way people treat their butterfly of trust - it is our duty as friends to remember it’s fragile nature. We should be watchful of ourselves to make sure that our words and actions to do not tear, shred or break it. A mark of a true friend is the careful way we keep our friend’s butterflies whole and undamaged when it is in our care.
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”
It is useful to evaluate how we are doing with the trust that others give to us. As Steven Covey says, “The process of building trust begins with yourself.” But how do we do that? Even a short search on the internet yielded up very similar suggestion lists. Here is a culmination of those lists.
- Be reliable
- Be honest
- Be loyal
- Keep confidences and private information private
- Be sincere
- Do the right thing
That’s a short list and one that if we aren’t already doing, we can make the necessary changes starting today. After all, “No virtue is more universally accepted as a test of good character than trustworthiness.” - Harry Emerson Fosdick.
Our friends at Just Another Button Company have written a blog post with some great tips on paper piecing! Even if you are familiar with PP, you could always learn more.
Want some help making your trustworthy block? Follow this link to see a fun video that I made when I visited Fat Quarter Shop!
And if you are looking for a great way to quilt this block, here is a beautiful suggestion by my friend Debby Brown